
June 9, 2020

Item #: SCP-5041

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-5041 are to be held in separate five by five by five (5x5x5) meter biocontainment units. Personnel are not to enter SCP-5041’s cell before donning the appropriate hazmat suits and may not exit before undergoing the decontamination process. Failure to adhere to procedure will result in quarantine until the afflicted personnel expires or is cured.

In the instance of a containment breach, directive staff are to implement Code Green lockdown procedures to prevent the spread of SCP-5041. During the quarantine, personnel are to continue with their daily routines though will not be permitted to exit the facility. Directive staff are to report regular updates of the condition of afflicted personnel and continue experiments in finding a cure for ridding the body of SCP-5041 without destroying the host.

Description: SCP-5041 is a bacteria that lives within the bone marrow of organic organisms which manifests into the form of its host, SCP-5041-A. SCP-5041 takes its corporeal form,  SCP-5041-B, several days after the death of its host, varying in length depending on the bone mass of the infected individual. SCP-5041 is only visible to those who are close to death or aged to the point of bodily degradation. Personnel have described SCP-5041 as a mass of emissive, blue particles that move like a liquid contained by a malleable membrane. Instances of SCP-5041-B are described to look nearly identical to the original host in shape though remain the same color of translucence and are slightly transparent.  

Instances SCP-5041-B seem to recall formative memories from the host and a simplified version of their general emotional states related to those memories. As a result, Foundation scientists are discussing the degree of sentience of SCP-5041-B. Each instance of SCP-5041-B is capable of floating as a method of movement though it does not seem to have any method of propulsion. Human versions SCP-5041-B are capable of using tools with limited dexterity with handwriting compared to that of adolescents. Personnel have also documented part of the corporeal form detaching from the main body to pick up objects out of reach. This capability led to testing of the deconstruction of SCP-5041-B’s form further. The corporeal form breaks apart when met with heavy winds or collisions but immediately reforms within seconds. SCP-5041-B has also been recorded traversing between gaps no less than 8 micrometers in diameter.

Addendum: The first manifestation of SCP-5041 was discovered by Foundation researcher Dr. Desirée Romero on December ██, 2019 at Site-66, two days after she suffered heart failure and expired. While preparing the corpse for cremation, the mortician reported being unable to touch the body, as if pushed away by an invisible force. Dr. Romero’s body was placed within a containment cell and prepped for further examination.

Approximately 8 hours after Dr. Romero was placed in containment, surveillance cameras recorded the subject’s hand rise up and begin waving at the camera. Surveillance operators noted the arm was still limp and moving as if puppeted by an external force. Reports also indicated that sound waves were being received by equipment though nothing could be heard.